Worldcoin adoption is increasing access to the global economy.
Today, another important milestone was passed on that journey as project contributor Tools for Humanity (TFH) announced that its World App, the first World ID compatible wallet, passed 10 million users.
The app, which was first introduced in May 2023, had been downloaded 4 million times by November of that same year. The growth to 10 million total users in over 160 countries, with 2 million daily active users and more than 70 million total wallet transactions, represents a significant increase in usage.
In recent weeks, World App has been averaging 7.1 transactions per second—enough to position it squarely among the top self-custodial wallets in the world according to CoinGecko.
Thank you x 10 million pic.twitter.com/FckxR2KqxW
— Tools For Humanity (@tfh_technology) April 11, 2024
“We’re of course thrilled about the milestone, but even more so about the real world impact it represents,” said Tiago Sada, Head of Product at TFH. “A lot of projects in the community have worked for years on the fundamental building blocks of Ethereum. World App shows what’s possible when you make these simple, delightful and useful for everyday life.”
A simple wallet for everyday life
A self-custodial wallet, World App was intentionally designed by TFH to focus on several key functionalities of Worldcoin and Ethereum. It opts to keep things simple, familiar and intuitive instead of supporting every crypto token and functionality or exposing every possible configuration.
People can use it to prove their humanness online with World ID, hold and send digital dollars around the world for free, connect to a service to explore and swap crypto tokens and (in many countries) claim Worldcoin Grants.*
To increase accessibility, World App’s native iOS and Android apps can support over 98% of Androids and over 94% of iPhones. World App also features gasless transactions, 24/7 support and is available in more than 10 languages.

“The success of TFH’s World App is very encouraging, as it provides an effective gateway to the protocol,” said Remco Bloemen, head of blockchain at the Worldcoin Foundation. “Our hope is that this will encourage other contributors to develop additional wallets for the protocol, as different users have different needs and preferences for their wallet apps. The ideas for advancing decentralization, set forth in the Worldcoin whitepaper, acknowledge this reality, offering proposals for a World ID Wallet Kit and Multi-Wallet Infrastructure.”
“In other words, down the road the Worldcoin community has expressed interest in alternatives to World App, so that a wider range of people can engage with Worldcoin as they choose.”
Increasing access to the global economy
The announcement that World App has more than 10 million users comes just days after a World App user in Kenya made waves in online crypto communities when he thanked Worldcoin for enabling him to purchase a goat.
@worldcoin thanks pic.twitter.com/yxl0ytlEYL
— richard opany (@OpanyRichard) April 1, 2024
In response to the initial Tweet, many in the crypto community rallied to send thousands of digital dollars in additional crypto funds to the man, enabling him to purchase more livestock, as has been chronicled in real time over the past week.
“It’s an awesome and heartwarming story–and generally a great example of what happens when you go out into the world to put these technologies in the hands of people. Imagine what can happen when you onboard one billion.” said Sada.
Richard has 13 goats and counting now https://t.co/q3Pik3rt7D
— nic "bankful" carter (@nic__carter) April 5, 2024
ppl spending their worldcoin airdrop on goats is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen this week https://t.co/ySu44fqbU3
— foobar/ (@0xfoobar) April 4, 2024
Learn more
To learn more about the Worldcoin project and its growing list of contributors, visit the Worldcoin website or join the daily conversations on Twitter/X, Telegram, Discord, YouTube and LinkedIn. You can also sign up for the blog newsletter at the bottom of this page.
Additional important information concerning the project is available in the Worldcoin protocol whitepaper.
*Eligibility for Worldcoin (WLD) tokens is restricted based on geography, age, and other factors. WLD are not available to, or intended for, people or companies who are residents of, or are located, incorporated or have a registered agent in, the United States or certain other restricted territories. However, World ID and TFH’s World App remain available in the United States. For details, go to: www.worldcoin.org/tos. Crypto products can be highly risky. Important User Information can be found at www.worldcoin.org/risks.
The above content speaks only as of the date indicated. Further, it is subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and so may be incorrect and may change without notice. A full disclaimer can be found in our Terms of Use and Important User Information can be found on our Risks page.