World App tops 4 million downloads as active users more than double worldwide

Nov 01, 2023 2 Minute Read

It’s been a milestone year for Worldcoin

In addition to the rollout of the World ID protocol and the project’s summertime launch out of beta, the introduction of World App in May gave people the opportunity to experience the first wallet built for the Worldcoin ecosystem.

Since then, World App downloads, transactions and use have all climbed significantly. The most recent data shared by Tools for Humanity (TFH), the team behind the development and management of World App, shows just how quickly the app has become one of the most downloaded and transacted-on crypto wallets in the world. 

According to TFH, World App has now surpassed 4 million downloads—enough to rank it currently as the 6th most popular hot wallet in the world, according to CoinGecko.

In addition to downloads, the app also sees 100K+ daily active users and 500K+ weekly active users. Monthly active users have doubled over the past six months to more than 1 million worldwide. World App users have also made more than 22 million transactions with their self-custodial wallet, bolstered by a recent update that bundles transactions to make the World App wallet significantly more scalable and cost efficient.

“It’s inspiring to see so much excitement around the world in less than six months since launching World App,” said Tiago Sada, Head of Product at TFH. “The team has been heads down working on meeting the current demand, and as the need for digital identity and digital finance continues to become more pressing, we know this is just the beginning.”

World App: Designed for simplicity and inclusivity

World App is designed to be used by everyone. 

For starters, World ID holders can enjoy gas-free transactions on World App. It also has a user experience that emphasizes simplicity and is intuitive for those who may never have engaged with crypto. Instead of giving people access to every advanced functionality, World App keeps its UX clean and intuitive by showing users only the parts of the Worldcoin and Ethereum ecosystems that are likely to be most helpful in their everyday lives.

At around 18MB, the native iOS and Android apps are significantly smaller than the industry average. To maximize inclusivity, they’re localized to multiple languages and support most active smartphones (98.2% of Androids and 94.5% of iPhones worldwide), including some more than 10 years old. Further localization will be rolling out soon, including the ability to customize the user experience with additional languages and local currencies. 


World App is the first wallet built for the Worldcoin project, enabling users to hold and use World ID.

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You can also find other important information concerning the project in the Worldcoin protocol whitepaper


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