Worldcoin Metrics Definitions

  • Total users
    Total users on World App
  • Total verified users
    Total users on World App with a verified World ID
  • Daily active users
    Number of users who used the World App yesterday
  • Weekly active users
    Number of users who used the World App in the last 7 days
  • Monthly active users
    Number of users who used the World App in the last 30 days
  • Daily wallet transactions
    Highest recorded daily on-chain transactions made through the World App
  • World ID checks
    Total number of World ID actions taken to verify proof-of-personhood
  • Daily World ID checks
    Highest recorded daily World ID actions taken to verify proof-of-personhood
  • Transfers sent
    Total number of cryptoasset transfers made using the World App
  • Crypto trades
    Total number of crypto-crypto trades made using third party service providers within the World App
  • Drop claims
    Total number of Worldcoin token grant claims
  • Countries
    Total number of countries where sign ups have been conducted with an Orb
  • Planets
    Total number of planets where sign ups have been conducted with an Orb