Wave 1 Community Grants Recipients

Grantees will work closely with other Worldcoin contributors to innovate and advance different parts of the Worldcoin Tech Tree.

  • Projects funded


  • Approx. Total Grants Awarded

    289K WLD


    MPC-based Iris code comparison service

    ~41.600 WLD
  • Axiom

    Proof Aggregator

    ~34.000 WLD
  • Proof of Passport

    Zero Knowledge based passport verification

    ~22.500 WLD
  • Farcaster Humaniser

    Proof of Personhood on Farcaster

    ~4.500 WLD
  • Only Dust

    Enabling WorldID in major L2s

    ~13.500 WLD
  • Encode Club

    Education for the Worldcoin Community

    ~13.500 WLD
  • Alphaday

    Unofficial Worldcoin Community Dashboard

    ~550 WLD
  • zkSnap

    Scalable, end to end private voting

    ~27.000 WLD
  • Cometh

    Mobile native libraries for integrating Passkeys

    ~13.500 WLD
  • Herodotus

    Enabling storage proofs on the World Chain

    ~13.500 WLD
  • World Poll

    Global poling platform

    ~1.700 WLD
  • Agora

    Research on Decentralised Governance frameworks

    ~8.000 WLD
  • FuzzingLabs

    OP-TEE fuzzer to enhance the security in the Worldcoin Orb.

    ~13.500 WLD
  • BBB & Company

    Unofficial Worldcoin meetings in Japan

    ~3.000 WLD
  • Wormhole

    Bringing WorldID to Solana

    ~25.000 WLD
  • Satori

    Batch verification of World ID proofs

    ~13.500 WLD

To stay up-to-date on new developments in the ecosystem, please follow the Worldcoin Foundation on Twitter and Discord.