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Luck Perms

Use Integration


Minecraft servers have always dealt with griefing -- users or bots who are only joining to ruin the experience for others. With Worldcoin's Minecraft server mod

How it works

A Minecraft server admin installs the Worldcoin server mod alongside LuckPerms and any other mods the server uses. They'll configure a LuckPerms role with the permissions they want to issue to players who verify with World ID. When a player joins the server, they can type a command (like verify) in the chat

How to connect

To install the World ID app on your server, visit the mod listing by clicking Use Integration above. Ensure LuckPerms is already installed on your server. Download the JAR file to your server's plugins folder

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Your Worldcoin App

Do you have idea where World ID technology will be useful? Let us know and we will take a look at it as soon as possible.